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韦德娱乐app下载地址 students Win First Place at the MATE ROV Competition

韦德娱乐app下载地址 students Win First Place at the MATE ROV Competition

韦德娱乐app下载地址 Engineering II students took first place in the SCOUT class of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) ROV Competition, held at Villanova University on Saturday, 5月11日, 2024. Solebury’s Team Solebury Gate 和 Team Sunken Sailors competed with more than 20 participating schools from the northeast region.

The MATE ROV Competition is an underwater robotics challenge that annually eng年龄s a global community of learners. It challenges students to learn 和 creatively apply STEM skills to solve real-world problems. Students from elementary school through high school compete to win in five different classes. This year’s mission focused on designing a remotely operated vehicle to monitor the health of the aquatic habits of our “Blue Planet.”

 “What an amazing experience these students had! Not only was the winning Team Solebury Gate, but each 和 every student on both teams clearly demonstrated amazing building skills, personal experiences, 和想法, 和 then brought home the gold,” said engineering 和 computer science teacher Jennifer Brittingham.

The CFO of Team Solebury Gates, 保罗·法尔赞,24岁, 添加, “It was great to see the whole team spending many hours together to build it from scratch to win.”

Team Sunken Sailors Team Solebury Gates competed in the underwater competition. Students spent ten weeks strengthening their critical thinking skills as they built, 测试, 和 refined their models. To qualify for the competition, each team gave an oral presentation before two distinguished judges, which included their designs, 标志, 球队名称, 和 performed a safety check.

After multiple weeks of dedicated effort, the experience of working together as a team to develop a submarine 和 execute our plan felt almost surreal. Competing at Villanova University was a remarkable experience that has inspired me to return 和 aim for even greater accomplishments next time,” said 内森·瓦洛,26岁, Team Captain 和 CEO.

Team Sunken Sailors, “We sink the competition" from left to right: Anton Redmond ’24, Quinn Lovely’26, Steven Cai 26岁, 克莱姆·齐默26岁, Shane Tomlinson ’25, 和 Aidan Goldstein ’26

Team Solebury Gate, “Please don’t sue us” from left to right: Kay Drakoulias ’25, 内森·瓦洛,26岁, 保罗·法尔赞,24岁, Charlie Hubbard ’27, 和 Tristam Evans ’25.

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